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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
12:00 am
Grace to You Weekend


John MacArthur

Renewing Your Mind


Ligonier Ministries

Renewing Your Mind


Ligonier Ministries

Renewing Your Mind


Ligonier Ministries

Renewing Your Mind


Ligonier Ministries

Renewing Your Mind


Ligonier Ministries

Grace to You Weekend


John MacArthur

12:30 am
The Alternative


Tony Evans

Love Worth Finding


Adrian Rogers

Love Worth Finding


Adrian Rogers

Love Worth Finding


Adrian Rogers

Love Worth Finding


Adrian Rogers

Love Worth Finding


Adrian Rogers

Family Talk Weekend


Dr. James Dobson

1:00 am
Love Worth Finding


Adrian Rogers

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Love Worth Finding


Adrian Rogers

1:30 am
Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Family Life Today


Dave and Ann Wilson

Family Life Today


Dave and Ann Wilson

Family Life Today


Dave and Ann Wilson

Family Life Today


Dave and Ann Wilson

Family Life Today


Dave and Ann Wilson

In Touch Weekend


Dr. Charles Stanley

2:00 am
Renewing Your Mind


Ligonier Ministries

A New Beginning


Greg Laurie

A New Beginning


Greg Laurie

A New Beginning


Greg Laurie

A New Beginning


Greg Laurie

A New Beginning


Greg Laurie

Insight For Living Weekend


Chuck Swindoll

2:30 am
Something Good Radio


Dr. Ron Jones

Living on the Edge


Chip Ingram

Living on the Edge


Chip Ingram

Living on the Edge


Chip Ingram

Living on the Edge


Chip Ingram

Living on the Edge


Chip Ingram

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

3:00 am
Insight For Living Weekend


Chuck Swindoll

Grace to You


John MacArthur

Grace to You


John MacArthur

Grace to You


John MacArthur

Grace to You


John MacArthur

Grace to You


John MacArthur

Truth for Life


Alistair Begg

3:30 am
A New Beginning


Greg Laurie

So What


Lon Solomon

So What


Lon Solomon

So What


Lon Solomon

So What


Lon Solomon

So What


Lon Solomon

Something Good Radio


Dr. Ron Jones

4:00 am
Love Worth Finding


Adrian Rogers

Daily Hope


Rick Warren

Daily Hope


Rick Warren

Daily Hope


Rick Warren

Daily Hope


Rick Warren

Daily Hope


Rick Warren

Living on the Edge


Chip Ingram

4:30 am
Grace to You Weekend


John MacArthur

Thru the Bible


J. Vernon McGee

Thru the Bible


J. Vernon McGee

Thru the Bible


J. Vernon McGee

Thru the Bible


J. Vernon McGee

Thru the Bible


J. Vernon McGee

The Alternative


Tony Evans

5:00 am
Family Talk Weekend


Dr. James Dobson

In Touch


Dr. Charles Stanley

In Touch


Dr. Charles Stanley

In Touch


Dr. Charles Stanley

In Touch


Dr. Charles Stanley

In Touch


Dr. Charles Stanley

A New Beginning


Greg Laurie

5:30 am
Living on the Edge

 - 6

Chip Ingram

Family Talk


Dr. James Dobson

Family Talk


Dr. James Dobson

Family Talk


Dr. James Dobson

Family Talk


Dr. James Dobson

Family Talk


Dr. James Dobson

Renewing Your Mind


Ligonier Ministries

6:00 am
Thru the Bible

J. Vernon McGee

Thru the Bible

J. Vernon McGee

6:30 am
Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Speak the Word


Jo Anne Ramsay

Running To Win


Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Speak the Word


Jo Anne Ramsay

Running To Win


Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Speak the Word


Jo Anne Ramsay

Running To Win


Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Speak the Word


Jo Anne Ramsay

Running To Win


Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Speak the Word


Jo Anne Ramsay

Running To Win


Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Truth for Life


Alistair Begg

7:00 am
Truth for Life


Alistair Begg

Run for the Prize


Shannon Terhune

Run for the Prize


Shannon Terhune

Run for the Prize


Shannon Terhune

Run for the Prize


Shannon Terhune

Run for the Prize


Shannon Terhune

Understanding The Times

 - 8

Jan Markell

7:30 am
Joyous Sound


Dr. Allen R. McFarland

Joyous Sound


Dr. Allen R. McFarland

Joyous Sound


Dr. Allen R. McFarland

Joyous Sound


Dr. Allen R. McFarland

Joyous Sound


Dr. Allen R. McFarland

Joyous Sound


Dr. Allen R. McFarland

8:00 am
Living In The Light


Anne Graham Lotz

Truth for Life


Alistair Begg

Truth for Life


Alistair Begg

Truth for Life


Alistair Begg

Truth for Life


Alistair Begg

Truth for Life


Alistair Begg

Truth Talk Weekend

 - 9

Stu Epperson Jr.

8:30 am
Baptist Bible Hour


Lasserre Bradley, Jr.

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

9:00 am
Something Good Radio


Dr. Ron Jones

In Touch


Dr. Charles Stanley

In Touch


Dr. Charles Stanley

In Touch


Dr. Charles Stanley

In Touch


Dr. Charles Stanley

In Touch


Dr. Charles Stanley

Adventures In Odyssey


9:30 am
In Touch Weekend


Dr. Charles Stanley

Grace to You


John MacArthur

Grace to You


John MacArthur

Grace to You


John MacArthur

Grace to You


John MacArthur

Grace to You


John MacArthur

Paws and Tales


10:00 am
Voice of Truth


Pastor LR Shelton

Focus on the Family


Jim Daly and John Fuller

Focus on the Family


Jim Daly and John Fuller

Focus on the Family


Jim Daly and John Fuller

Focus on the Family


Jim Daly and John Fuller

Focus on the Family


Jim Daly and John Fuller

Christian Car Guy


Robby Dilmore

10:30 am
Family Talk Weekend


Dr. James Dobson

So What - Lon Solomon Ministries


Lon Solomon

So What - Lon Solomon Ministries


Lon Solomon

So What - Lon Solomon Ministries


Lon Solomon

So What - Lon Solomon Ministries


Lon Solomon

So What - Lon Solomon Ministries


Lon Solomon

11:00 am
Through The Bible with Les Feldick


Thru the Bible


J. Vernon McGee

Thru the Bible


J. Vernon McGee

Thru the Bible


J. Vernon McGee

Thru the Bible


J. Vernon McGee

Thru the Bible


J. Vernon McGee

The Alternative


Tony Evans

11:30 am
Gospel Hour


Dr. Oliver B. Green

Something Good Radio


Dr. Ron Jones

Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope


Joni Eareckson Tada

Something Good Radio


Dr. Ron Jones

Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope


Joni Eareckson Tada

Something Good Radio


Dr. Ron Jones

Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope


Joni Eareckson Tada

Something Good Radio


Dr. Ron Jones

Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope


Joni Eareckson Tada

Something Good Radio


Dr. Ron Jones

Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope


Joni Eareckson Tada

Gospel Hour


Dr. Oliver B. Green

12:00 pm
Thomas Road Baptist Church


Rev. Jonathan Falwell

Jay Sekulow Live


Jay Sekulow Live


Jay Sekulow Live


Jay Sekulow Live


Jay Sekulow Live


Something Good Radio


Dr. Ron Jones

12:30 pm
Lampost/ Family Talk


Matt Scott

Vote For Truth LIVE


The Alternative


Tony Evans


Steve Taylor Last Days News


Steve Taylor- Alliance Legal Group

Keep The Faith


Pastor Edwin Goodwin

Grace To You Weekend


John MacArthur

1:00 pm
The Alternative


Tony Evans

Remnant Radio God's Plan


Deb & Rick

Family Talk

 - 1

Dr. James Dobson

Remnant Radio Eternal Consequences

 - 1

Deb & Rick

Christian Worldview

 - 2

David Wheaton

1:30 pm
Insight For Living


Chuck Swindoll

Hope For Your Heart


Calvin Corbitt

Hope For Your Heart


Calvin Corbitt

Hope For Your Heart


Calvin Corbitt

Hope For Your Heart


Calvin Corbitt

Hope For Your Heart


Calvin Corbitt

2:00 pm
Renewing Your Mind


Ligonier Ministries

Renewing Your Mind


Ligonier Ministries

Renewing Your Mind


Ligonier Ministries

Renewing Your Mind


Ligonier Ministries

Renewing Your Mind


Ligonier Ministries

Renewing Your Mind


Ligonier Ministries

Remnant Radio-Last Light Teens

 - 2

2:30 pm
A New Beginning


Greg Laurie

Gospel Hour


Dr. Oliver B. Green

Gospel Hour


Dr. Oliver B. Green

Gospel Hour


Dr. Oliver B. Green

Gospel Hour


Dr. Oliver B. Green

Gospel Hour


Dr. Oliver B. Green

A New Beginning


Greg Laurie

3:00 pm
Picking Up The Habit


Brother Tim

SWAT Radio


SWAT Radio


SWAT Radio


SWAT Radio


SWAT Radio


Understanding The Times

 - 4

Jan Markell

3:30 pm
4:00 pm
Thru the Bible


J. Vernon McGee

The Alternative

 - 4

Tony Evans

Purity Products

 - 4


The Alternative

 - 4

Tony Evans

The Alternative

 - 4

Tony Evans

The Alternative

 - 4

Tony Evans

Truth Talk Weekend

 - 5

Stu Epperson Jr.

4:30 pm
Thru the Bible


J. Vernon McGee

Renewed Strength

 - 5

Pastor Rick Williams

Renewed Strength

 - 5

Pastor Rick Williams

Renewed Strength

 - 5

Pastor Rick Williams


Renewed Strength

 - 5

Pastor Rick Williams

Renewed Strength

 - 5

Pastor Rick Williams

5:00 pm
Revive Our Hearts


Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Focus on the Family


Jim Daly and John Fuller

Focus on the Family


Jim Daly and John Fuller

Focus on the Family


Jim Daly and John Fuller

Focus on the Family


Jim Daly and John Fuller

Focus on the Family


Jim Daly and John Fuller

Hope For The Caregiver

 - 6

Peter Rosenberger

5:30 pm
Speak the Word


Jo Anne Ramsay

The Word Made Plain


Pastor Tony Clark

The Word Made Plain


Pastor Tony Clark

The Word Made Plain


Pastor Tony Clark

The Word Made Plain


Pastor Tony Clark

The Word Made Plain


Pastor Tony Clark

6:00 pm
Focus on the Family Weekend


A New Beginning


Greg Laurie

A New Beginning


Greg Laurie

A New Beginning


Greg Laurie

A New Beginning


Greg Laurie

Purity Products

 - 6:


Renewing Your Mind


Ligonier Ministries

6:30 pm
Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

7:00 pm
Refresh with Pastor Greg Laurie


New Life Live


Steve Arterburn

New Life Live


Steve Arterburn

New Life Live


Steve Arterburn

New Life Live


Steve Arterburn

New Life Live


Steve Arterburn

In Touch Weekend


Dr. Charles Stanley

7:30 pm
The Alternative


Tony Evans

8:00 pm
Truth for Life


Alistair Begg

Family Talk


Dr. James Dobson

Family Talk


Dr. James Dobson

Family Talk


Dr. James Dobson

Family Talk


Dr. James Dobson

Family Talk


Dr. James Dobson

Family Talk Weekend


Dr. James Dobson

8:30 pm
Equipping The Saints


Greg Lundstedt

The Alternative


Tony Evans

The Alternative


Tony Evans

The Alternative


Tony Evans

The Alternative


Tony Evans

The Alternative


Tony Evans

Truth for Life

 - 9

Alistair Begg

9:00 pm
Something Good Radio


Dr. Ron Jones

En Contacto


Dr. Charles Stanley

En Contacto


Dr. Charles Stanley

En Contacto


Dr. Charles Stanley

En Contacto


Dr. Charles Stanley

En Contacto


Dr. Charles Stanley

Utah Passion for Christ


Bill McKeever

9:30 pm
In Touch Weekend


Dr. Charles Stanley

Something Good Radio


Dr. Ron Jones

Something Good Radio


Dr. Ron Jones

Something Good Radio


Dr. Ron Jones

Something Good Radio


Dr. Ron Jones

Something Good Radio


Dr. Ron Jones

City of God Weekend


Coral Ridge Ministries

10:00 pm
The Alternative


Tony Evans

Family Life Today


Dave and Ann Wilson

Family Life Today


Dave and Ann Wilson

Family Life Today


Dave and Ann Wilson

Family Life Today


Dave and Ann Wilson

Family Life Today


Dave and Ann Wilson

Truth Talk Weekend

 - 11

Stu Epperson Jr.

10:30 pm
Grace to You Weekend


John MacArthur

 Summit Life


J.D. Greear

Summit Life


J.D. Greear

 Summit Life


J.D. Greear

Summit Life


J.D. Greear

 Summit Life


J.D. Greear

11:00 pm
Turning Point


Dr. David Jeremiah

Equipping The Saints


Greg Lundstedt

Equipping The Saints


Greg Lundstedt

Equipping The Saints


Greg Lundstedt

Equipping The Saints


Greg Lundstedt

Equipping The Saints


Greg Lundstedt

Christian Car Guy


Car Guys

11:30 pm Gospel Hour


Dr. Oliver B. Green 

 Truth For Life


Allistair Begg

Truth For Life


Allistair Begg

Truth For Life


Allistair Begg

Truth For Life


Allistair Begg

 Truth For Life


Allistair Begg